My Journey began in 1969 March 11th......
When I was four months old I was brought into a home of love and laughter, of integrity and joy.....
During my early years I spoke to Mary, My friend, we played, we laughed, we teased each other and got each other into trouble, Noone else could see her, only I..... but yet I was encouraged and never told she didn't exist....
During 1979 I, with my parents living in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia......
Then During 1981-83 Boarding school In Bristol, UK....
September 1983 Returned to NZ....
High School till March 1984- Started Work D.I.C. Department Store....
Stayed there until 1996....By then it was Farmers......
Worked several other jobs, Cafes, Canteens, Hotel receptionist (Reservations), Bar, Bookstore (Books and More), Aradia, which merged into Earth Song ( )....
There are other aspects of my life which are important, but irrevelant to the world....
but I will include the fact I have three beautiful children...... Jorden, Letesha and Shelley...(All have same Dad) ... and I am on my own and love it.... I must admit I do like adult company sometimes but for me on my Journey... I do find I need my time, time on my own to meditate, Yoga, eat what I want and to relax....
During January 2008 I met the most amazxi
There is more that I will add .....

This photo was taken from a Witchcraft Magazine, Unfortunately is no longer being published.....
The details are within my ezine take a peek for the info....