To Ride a SILVER BROOMSTICK New Generation Witchcraft By Silver RavenWolf....
This is one fantastic thought provoking book I really enjoyed while starting on this incredible beautiful journey within......I loved the questions she asked, the things Silver got you to think about personally, What is your own personal truth? Noone can answer that but yourself..... 1) What is your defination of "WItch" and your defination of "WItchcraft"? 2) Then write a paragraph on how you feel society in general accepts the practice of Witchcraft and why? Then close by listing one major goal you would like to complete before you finsih reading this book, Give yourself a month, two, three or up to six months.... Sign and date it..... (This is something you can review in a year and a day....) Then the next thing you need to write up is how you came to be where you are right now.. what needs are you feeling right now? What do you feel you will gain by studying the Craft? What do you fear you may lose if you continue on this path? BE Totally homest within.....Don;t forget to write a date on each of pages you write on.... so at the end of A Year and a Day you can review what you wrote...... There is so much I could include here but really the best way to get the best for your journey is to read the book in its whole entiity....available through any good bookstore or New Age store......
There are many great books to check out..........
Read any book by Ann Moura, Silver RavenWolf, Scott Cunningham, Cassandra Easson, on Wicca, Witchcraft......
Angels, Faeries and Chakra-Doreen Virtue has a huge range of books and Oracle Decks and CDs......
There are many great books on a wide range of topics............