Sanskrit word meaning "Wheel"....
Each Chakra responds to a certain colour, crystal, herb, planet, Symbol, animal and so much more.......You know to check out a selection of great books to get more details....
Ambika Wauters (Chakras and their Correspondances, Archetypes and so much more),
Doreen Virtue (Angels and Crystals),
David Pond, Richard Webster (Aura),
Judy Hall (Crystals),
Naisha Ashian (Crystal Ally Cards)
These are only a small selection of books available... check out local bookstore, New Age Store or online......
Even Food can help benefit The Chakras....
Root Chakra
Root Vegetables, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, radishes, beets, onions, garlic
Protein Rich food, eggs, meat, beans, tofu, soy products, peanut butter
Spices, horseradish, hot paprika, chives, cayenne pepper.
Sacral Chakra
Sweet Fruits, melons, mangos, strawberries, passion fruit, oranges, coconut tc
Nuts, almonds walnuts
Spices, cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sweet paprika, seasame seeds, caraway seeds
Solar Plexus Chakra
Granola and Grains
Spices, ginger, mints, melissa, chamomile, tumeric,cumin, fennel
Heart Chakra
Leafy vegetable
Air vegetable
Throat Chakra
Liquids in general
Tart or tangy fruits
Other tree growing fruit
Spices, salt, lemon grass
Brow, Third Eye Chakra
Dark Bluish coloured fruits
Crown Chakra
Incense and Smudging Herbs, Sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense and juniper (inhaled)
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This is my belief about The Chakras.....
There are many many websites, books inregards to The Chakras, there are many different beliefs, so please check out some of the different resources I will list at the end of this page.......
For me... I work with mainly the seven basic Chakras, even though there are thousands throughout the body.... some people even work with The basic 12......
I start with The Root/Base Chakra
The Sacral Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Heart Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Third Eye/Brow Chakra
The Crown Chakra
I do sometimes if lead by Spirit will work with The Feet Chakra (Earth Chakra)
Higher Heart Chakra and
Higher Crown Chakra...
Chakras are connected by Meridians... energy lines which let the flow of LIfe Force, Ki, Chi, Prana etc..... flow through the body......
There is a lot more info available......
Check out ...
Chakra Functions.....
(Taken from Judy Hall's Book "The Illustrated Guide to Crystals")
The earth Chakra keeps you grounded, holding you in reality. If this Chakra is not balanced there is difficulty within the material world.
Base and Sacral Chakras are the sexual and creative Chakras....If the base chakra is blocked, libidio is low, the creative spark nonexistent. If it is too active, sexual needs predominate. If the Sacral chakra is blocked, social interation can be difficult.
The Solar Plexus is where emotional blockages occur. If this chakra is too open, energy can be leached by other people.
If the heart Chakra is blocked, love is prevented from flourishing. The higher heart chakra connects to uncoditional, spiritual love. When this chakra opens, a new dimension in love is reached.
The throat is the chakra of communication. An open throat chakra allows free expression; a blocked one dams up communication of ideas and feelings.
The Brow is where intuition arises and other realities can be accessed. If this chakra is too open, other people's thoughts and feelings flood in. If blocked, mental confusion arises and the imagination can not function.
The Crown Chakra is where spiritual energies make themselves felt, and the higher crown chakras link up to angelic guidance. When this opens fully, there can be a feeling of bliss or enlightenment.